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Pathetique, Moonlight & More!
22 May 2024 @ 19:00 BST (GMT +01:00)
Julian Jacobson presents a guide to playing a selection of movements from Beethoven's Sonatas, including the ubiquitous Moonlight 1st movement, Pathetique 2nd movement and two other rewarding gems!
Referred to as "The New Testament" of the piano literature, Beethoven’s piano sonatas are one of the most significant collections of works in the classical repertoire. Although many are fiendishly difficult to play, they feature some of the most beloved and recognisable music written for the piano.
In this online presentation, pianist, professor and composer Julian Jacobson gives a guide to approaching a selection of four more accessible movements from the set, including both of the two arguably most famous movements of all - the opening of the Moonlight and the slow movement of the Pathétique sonatas. These are complemented by the sweetly singing Menuetto (third movement) from the Sonata in D, Op. 10 No. 3 and the melancholic Andante (second movement) from the Sonata in G, Op. 79.
Julian is renowned for being one of two pianists ever to have performed the entire set of 32 from memory in a single, 11-hour performance (you can read more about this monumental feat here!). The workshop will give you fascinating insights into style and interpretation plus useful tips for tackling technical challenges and fingering suggestions.
Who it’s for?
This workshop is suitable for a wide range of pianists from the intermediate pianists seeking a challenge to advanced levels. It will provide you with an excellent starting point if you haven’t played much Beethoven and will also give you useful insights on how to interpret and master these works if you have!
How it works
This presentation will be streamed live from our studios via Zoom and all ticketholders will receive high quality recordings afterwards. Therefore if you cannot join us for any of the sessions, you can watch them at your convenience at a later stage!